Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Tech Time

We have not been posting on our blog recently because we discovered a new site, kidblog.org.  As much as I love Blogger our kiddos cannot use Google+ so they cannot post on the blog without logging in as me.  The neat thing we discovered on Kidblog is that we can each have our own login and post to the same site.  The kids have been writing their own posts during computer lab, writing centers, and during Tech Time.  While we have been gone from blogging we started Tech Time each Wednesday!  During this time each one of us has our own iPad and we are learning many different things.  We learned how to get onto our e-mail using the iPad, how to e-mail each other, how to get to our Google drive, and started blogging.

Discovery Center Field Trip

We spent the day at the Discover Center in Rockford, Illinois.  Discovery Center Field Trip