Friday, January 24, 2014

Blogger of the Week:Jaxyn

My name is Jaxyn.
We lrnd ubout Mrtin Luthr King Junr.
"He was a great leader." - Jaxyn

Friday, January 10, 2014

Thursday, January 9, 2014

January Character Assembly

Today we got a visit from our character bugs to learn a new character word for this month, POISE.  The bugs taught us that POISE means being yourself.  We got to work with our third grade buddies and make wordles.  We came up with positive characteristics about ourselves and our buddies.  I was very proud to see many of our kindergartners helping their buddies to sound out words!  Congratulations to Carlos and Antonio for being HONEST throughout December and earning their bee wings!

Our January Bee Wing Winners!!!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Kindergarten and First Grade Musical

We were very proud of our kiddos during the Kindergarten Musical on Wednesday, December 18.  The kids worked really hard with our music teacher, Mrs. Difazzio, to put together an awesome performance.  It was a lot of work for our kindergartners to put on a show in the morning and in the afternoon!  Here are some pictures from the day!
 All Dressed Up!
                       Playing with our scarfs :)

    Some of our families came to visit!

Holiday Party

The day before Winter Break was our Kindergarten Holiday Party and Family Movie.  Unfortunately this year the weather was extremely icy and we had a two hour delay.  This left us with a very small class for our celebration.  We missed all of our friends but had a great time!!!  We made snacks(and nibbled on the ingredients), unwrapped presents, wore our comfy pajamas, and spent the afternoon eating popcorn and watching The Grinch with our families.  Here is our video we put together together throughout the day:  Holiday Party

Friday, January 3, 2014

January 3, 2014

My name is Emilio.  we  had  2 das this week.  We went  too the cumputr lab.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Gingerbread Hunt

We tested our baking skills in December by making Gingerbread People.  We got together with all of our kindergarten friends and created our own gingerbread people after reading the story, The Gingerbread Man.  We went back to the classrooms and read another version of the story called, The Gingerbread Cowboy while we waited for the cookies to bake.  When we went back to the oven the gingerbread cookies had disappeared just like in the story!!!  Some of our friends pointed out that they had originally thought the story was fiction but it turns out it was non-fiction!  The gingerbread men sent us clues and we searched for them all over the school, they were really fast.  Finally those sneaky gingerbread men ran into our third grade buddies who captured them for us!  We shared our cookies with our buddies to thank them.  Check out our adventere here,  Gingerbread Hunt