Thursday, January 2, 2014

Gingerbread Hunt

We tested our baking skills in December by making Gingerbread People.  We got together with all of our kindergarten friends and created our own gingerbread people after reading the story, The Gingerbread Man.  We went back to the classrooms and read another version of the story called, The Gingerbread Cowboy while we waited for the cookies to bake.  When we went back to the oven the gingerbread cookies had disappeared just like in the story!!!  Some of our friends pointed out that they had originally thought the story was fiction but it turns out it was non-fiction!  The gingerbread men sent us clues and we searched for them all over the school, they were really fast.  Finally those sneaky gingerbread men ran into our third grade buddies who captured them for us!  We shared our cookies with our buddies to thank them.  Check out our adventere here,  Gingerbread Hunt

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