Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The Olympics

We are very excited about the start of the Winter Olympics!  This week we joined Mr. Marc in Adventure to Fitness on an original Greek Olympic adventure.  We learned that the Olympics are held every 4 years.  We also learned the importance of being honest and always being a good sport.

In our new Olympic Center we can follow the Sochi Winter Games.  We learned how to scan QR codes with our iPads so we can follow our favorite countries.  Each morning we are using tallies to count the number of medals for 5 countries.  We chose to follow, the United States of America, Canada, Mexico, China, and Korea.  We add the tallies to our bulletin board and at the end of the games we will see who had the most!  In the Olympic Center we can also read books, color pictures, and make our own Olympic stories.

One of our questions when talking about the Olympians was how do they get to the Olympics?  Mrs.  Wenzel helped us answer that question by teaching us about training.  We found out that practicing for the Olympics is called training.  We began our training in 4 events so far; speed skating, cross-country skiing, bobsleigh, skeleton, and the luge!

Today during choice time these friends found the word U.S.A. in an old big book in the room!

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