Thursday, October 10, 2013

Fire Department Visit

This afternoon after our school fire drill we had a special visit from a firetruck!  After spending September learning all about Emergency Responders our kindergartners were ready to answer all of Firefighter Kathy's questions.  We remembered that we need to call 9-1-1 if there is an emergency and we reminded her to stop-drop-and-roll if our clothes ever catch fire.  We got to look at all the neat tools they carry on the firetruck.  We found hoses, ladders, an ax, and some scissors that were a lot bigger than our classroom scissors!  After learning about the truck we all got to go through the back of the firetruck and when we got out the ambulance pulled up and we got to go in there as well!  Firefighter Kathy reminded us not to be afraid of firefighters when they are all dressed up and she choose our awesome physical education student teacher, Ms. Applin, to demonstrate what a firefighter looks like in all their gear.
Check out our visit:   Fire Department Visits Lincoln!

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