Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Pumpkin Fun!!!

We have spent a great deal of time on pumpkins over the last couple of weeks.  On our field trip last week we got a big pumpkin for the classroom.  Yesterday we read the story, How Many Seeds in a Pumpkin?  by Margaret McNamara.  We learned what it means to estimate and that you can estimate how many seeds are in a pumpkin based on the pumpkin's color and the number of lines on the outside.  We found out that it does not matter how small the pumpkin is because as Charlie states in the story, "Small things have a lot going on inside of them!"  We estimated anywhere from 10 seeds to 100,000 seeds.  We opened our pumpkin up and played with all the guts on the inside and separated our seeds.  Today we counted the seeds and discovered that our pumpkin had 686 seeds!!!  We created some pumpkin faces and then voted on our favorite one.  We made a pumpkin with star eyes, a diamond nose and a silly mouth.  We can't wait to eat our seeds at our Halloween party on Thursday!!!

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